Sunday, June 5, 2011


Well I weighed in - talk about depressing. I've decided I'm never going to be this heavy again. Yeah right!! I've said that so many times before. But I reckon this time I've got the mojo to make it real.

It was glorious this morning. I set out to take the dogs for a long walk but gave it in early because this damned migraine just won't ease up.

Harley proved his dislike of his halti collar by eating through one of the straps. I spent about half an hour hand sewing it back together so firmly it wouldn't break apart and put it down by my chair. Bad mistake. I wondered why he was so quiet and found him in his dog bed. He had eaten away about an inch of the nose band. It's absolutely useless - $40 down the drain and no more walks for him until I get a replacement.

I've just had a lovely long talk with Lynne (my sister in Brisbane). It was so good to hear her voice. It just doesn't happen often enough.

The dogs are sitting together behind the drapes keeping a lookout for invaders. It's lovely and peaceful. I'm gonna blob out now in front of the tele.

No snacks though. Onward.....


Chris H said...

What a naughty wee dog, that is something Teddy would do too... yeah and Coco. They are all the same little buggers!
Coco got mated sucessfully today so puppies in approx 63 days! Exciting stuff.

Anne said...

The weighing in won't be depressing for long:-)

Harley is a monkey!