Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Well today's been both sort of productive, mainly fun.

This morning was taken up with trip preparation - sorting out summer - yeah summer!!! - clothes for the trip and general housework.

Lunch was with Mum and sisters Sue and Merle. It's great to be able to do this. I've really come to realise and appreciate how important they are to me. I was just sorry my brother Larry wasn't able to join us as well.

Then it was a drive to Levin to meet up with Diane and Jocelyn. Buddy travelled with me so we had a small 'pee break' on the way for his comfort. What a waste of time - he disgraced himself at Diane's, much to my embarrasment. Luckily his bad behaviour didn't ruin things altogether. It's really great to have a good gossip with good friends sometimes eh.

Now I'm catching up with EMails, and downloading Skype on my laptop - just in case someone wants to talk to me -and relaxing a little because it's full on for the rest of the week to avoid a panic on Saturday.

So it's coffee time. Buddy's asleep with his head on my lap.
Photos tomorrow. Nite nite.

1 comment:

Chris H said...

How bloody typical of one's dog to pee at someone else's home! Grrrrrr.
Coco is almost totally house trained now, which is great!
See you on Saturday! What time are you arriving? Are you staying the night??? Bla bla bla!